13:2- Gin Blossom
and Where: I
encountered this word in conversation with a co-worker about a friend of his
who allegedly enjoys his weekends more than most of us. He said, “I think his
red nose is a gin-blossom.” I had not heard this term before and I asked what
it meant. He told me I’d better look it up to verify, but he thought it was
facial redness from excessive alcohol consumption.
it Means: It appears that my co-worker was pretty close.
There seems to be a bit of debate on what exactly is meant by the term “gin
blossom.” It is either the flush faced, red neck reaction that some people have
to alcohol, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_flush_reaction)
or broken capillaries in ones face due to continued alcohol abuse. (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060619143327AAzaqv5)
of Familiarity: I had never heard this term associated with
anything outside of the 1990’s band “Gin Blossoms” who made it to fame with
their cleverly crafted hit, “Hey Jealousy” back in 1992.
Commentary: This term has disturbing implications. Red faced
friends and co-workers now leave me wondering. I am left with two options;
forget about the term, or accept that I am surrounded by drunks.
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