When and Where: I encountered this word
“Fracking” while I was driving in Perinton by reading a sign that had the word
“Fracking” in a red circle and slash through it to indicate anti-fracking.
What it
means: “Fracking refers
to the procedure of creating fractures in rocks and rock formations by
injecting fluid into cracks to force them further open” (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fracking.asp#axzz2E0uF0Dgc).
of Familiarity: I had some concept of the term hydro-fracking as I had heard it
previously on the news. Apparently,
there is a whole anti- fracking movement throughout the country. Many people in
NYS, particularly in Western NY, are opposed to fracking because they argue
that the process causes “underground pollution, cancer risks and other
uncertainties” (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/major-fracking-concerns-lack-scientific-backing-basically-not-using-science/#).
Additionally, critics are fearful of contaminating drinking water supplies.
According to one homeowner in the Southern Tier, Frackers are “cutting veins
under homeowner’s property and people are fearful of what high pressure water
will do to the earth.”
Commentary: I have always believed that businesses have the right to make
money, but I wonder how far that right extends. If the process only had
implications upon the property where the fracking was being performed, I would
probably say this seems fine. It seems, however, that this process (strangely
secretive in formula and specifics) may raise questions, as some seemingly
knowledgeable people fear it has deeper environmental effects. I think more
discussion may be needed.
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