Malarkey- 7:1
Saturday, October 13, 2012
When & Where: I came across this word, ubiquitous, while watching
the vice presidential debate this week. Vice President Joe Biden, used the word
many times when sparring with his opponent Paul Ryan. VP Joe Biden first used
it to dismiss Paul Ryan’s explanations on foreign policy as a “bunch of
malarkey” (
Definition: As defined by Merriam, Malarkey
is considered to be insincere or foolish talk.
Level of Familiarity: : Although I had not had exposure to this
word before, I was able to gather from the Vice President’s tone what this word
means. I basically gathered that he was insinuating that Paul Ryan was
presenting “just a crock of bologna.”
Reflective Commentary: Now that I have looked up the exact definition of
this word, I will definitely use it. It’s definition is very basic and I have
no doubt that I will be able to use this word correctly. What I found most
interesting about this word, in comparison to others in my journal, is that I
was able to make meaning much quicker when I heard it used correctly in
context. Additionally, the way Vice President Joe Biden used it helped to
reinforce its word meaning. I may have not understood the complexity of the
foreign policies issues but I least I gathered that Joe Biden thought Paul Ryan
was blowing smoke up his ass…
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